DAG Global Rebranding to Greengage

2 min readNov 19, 2020


We are very excited to launch our new brand name as “Greengage” which has been the fruit of much internal consideration. At our core, we are building a digital merchant bank — bridging the historic merchant banking tradition with the opportunities presented by new technologies.

Our previous name of “DAG Global” has served us very well for over 2 years now, and we have been grateful to be recognised as an innovator in this space in many publications. It seems we are even the top google search hit when typing in “digital merchant bank” in several jurisdictions, including the UK and USA.

So why would we change our name? “DAG” has always been a placeholder name, standing in as an acronym for Digital Asset Group. Greengage captures more completely what we are aiming to achieve:

· Green for sustainable growth, and as a colour that is well recognised in association with finance and new things.

· Gage as in collateral — a valued object deposited as a guarantee of good faith.

Plus, greengages are a deliciously sweet type of plum. Together, “Greengage” works very well for us as a symbol bringing both an old favourite with something new. We are keeping our logo which balances both the traditional and digital aspects of our business model. Perhaps we will be able to plant a few greengage trees someday in a future office.

Our new website will be www.greengage.co and we will update our LinkedIn and Twitter profiles accordingly.

Thank you as ever to our investors and to the wider community for your ongoing support. We look forward to launching broader services in due course.

All good wishes,

The Greengage (formerly DAG) Team




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